Preparing Registration for Large Tournaments

Although some tournaments take registration and payment through Melee, others do so through a third-party service, either a web shop, or an external website. Some tournaments (like Regional Championships) maintain a list of qualified individuals for the tournament external to Melee. In these situations, players can be mass-imported to the tournament by selected organizations.

Preregistration Method

Yon can use the Import Players dialog in the Tournament Controller to mass enroll players. Depending on what data the third-party service collected, you can paste a list of these into the dialog. The best in my experience is Melee Account Email.

For each email address matching a player who has played in the current organizer’s events in the past, a “pre registration record” will be created. This shows in the Players tab as “Preregistered”. This player needs to finish their registration via the Tournament Landing Page, which you can direct them to with the QR codes from the Tournament Controller.

For each email address which doesn’t match, that email will be allowed to register for the tournament from the Tournament Landing page. 

If an account already exists with that email address, but they have not previously played a tournament with the current organizer, they should be able to register (and will be shown a green check mark for the Preregistered requirement).

If an account does not exist with that email address, this permission applies retroactively – a player can create an account with that email address and complete their registration.