Judging at Large Tournaments with Melee

Melee has many tools to assist with judging at larger tournaments using your mobile device. First, ensure that your scorekeeper has added you to the tournament with Judge status. You may need to get this access from the tournament organizer. You may already have this access by being a staff member of the organization itself. This guide will assume you have access to the Tournament Controller (TC) for the tournament you are judging — you can find access to this in the Your Tournaments page on Melee.

The gray “Controller Menu” menu divides the TC into sections; the ones that will be most useful to judges are Players, Decklists, and Matches.

Players Tab

You will be able to find a searchable list of players in the Players tab. You can find information such as their username, full name, current tournament status (or, if they are no longer playing, when they dropped). You can also find their decklist here.

Decklists Tab

You will be able to find all submitted decklists in the Decklists tab. You can search for player names (not deck archetypes, although your mobile device may have a “find in page” function). You can see the time of the last edit to submitted decklists, and assist players with questions surrounding this.

Matches Tab

The majority of time can be spent in the Matches tab. You can see a timeline of the tournament (and which round you are currently in) here. You can also see a list of matches, players, and their decklists from this page. You may have access to green cog icons next to match tables — from here, you can enter results or process a “no show” for the player. 

You may be using external tools such as PurpleFox to track matches and penalties, and/or your scorekeeper may wish that you give information on drops, no shows, and results in another manner. Be sure to check in with them before making actions within Melee.

At the top of the Matches tab, you can filter by “Not Reported” to get an overview of which matches are still outstanding, or “Featured Matches” to see any matches which have been assigned as feature matches for any potential coverage. Filtering for “Time Extended” will show matches for which extra time has been added in Melee. 

Melee also has functions for assigning and viewing extra time, viewing judges assigned to outstanding matches. You can use the “Columns” button to hide and show information relevant to your role or position — for example, you can hide “Checked In” and show “Time Extension (Min.)”

If you have Judge level access to a tournament, you should not be able to adversely affect the tournament with TC actions. If you have higher level access to a tournament (such as Scorekeeper or Staff Admin) you may be able to see functions and buttons that can perform additional actions – please check in with your scorekeeper if you believe you may have the wrong access level, and definitely check in before clicking buttons you’re not certain about.