Default Organizations

Your user account can be associated with multiple Organizations, so you will need to set your Default Organization to perform certain tasks on Melee such as creating a tournament. A Default Organization tells Melee which organization you are selecting to create tournaments and hubs with, as well as which organization you’re using to apply for certain programs the platform supports. If your account doesn’t have a default organization set, you won’t be able to create a tournament and will be redirected back to the home page.

Ensure smooth navigation on Melee by setting your Default Organization, especially for tasks like creating tournaments. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile settings page.
  2. Click on Your Organizations under the Associations section.
  3. Select the desired organization as your Default Organization.

Importance of Default Organization:

  • Enables tasks like creating tournaments and applying for platform-supported programs.
  • Without a default organization, you won’t be able to create a tournament and will be redirected to the home page.

Changing Default Organization:

  • You can change your Default Organization at any time.

You can set your default organization by going to your profile settings page and clicking on Your Organizations under the Associations section. Here you can see which Organizations you’ve created or have been staff onto and then select which one you wish to be defaulted to. You can change which Organization you have set as your default at any time.