Melee Updates for Organizers and Judges – 4/19/24

Our most recent update included a complete overhaul of our match and standings systems, enabling Melee to support a broader array of tournament types in the near future. It also introduced a magnitude of improvements that you should be aware of before supporting your next tournaments. A full breakdown of this update can be found here.

Upon the conclusion of each round within a Playoff (Top Cut) phase, Standings will display rankings of players based on their progress within that Playoff phase. Once a tournament concludes, ranking will display correctly with the winner being ranked first, the runner-up ranked second, etc.

We’ve updated the “tournament header” to take up less space while also providing more useful information. This section will expand and contract based on what unique settings you have for your tournament such as “Delay Delivery of Matches”, “Delay Delivery of Standings”, or “Round Timer”.

The display for tournament status is now an action dropdown, improving clarity on what will result from different actions.

You will now be able to edit a player’s status or give them fixed seating from within the Player’s tab, without the need to open their Player Card.

All player names in example image are auto-generated for testing purposes and not actual users.*

One of the biggest changes is our new Results Entry table which has the ability to remain open as you submit results for multiple rounds. You will be able to enter results using the inline editable fields, by using the result entry buttons, or hot keys. You can also view and enter time extensions from this table.

For continuous use, enter the table from it’s associated button. For one-time use which closes the display upon result submission, access it from the tool cog associated with a single match.

All player names in example image are auto-generated for testing purposes and not actual users.*

We’ve also made improvements to the Edit Matches table making it more clear how to break up and remake matches. Worth noting, it is now possible to add more than two players to a match. This is NOT a functional feature yet, so be sure to only have two players per match or you will have some very confused players on your hands!

Mobile result submission will now open a new browser source, allowing you to submit the results of a match and drop any players if requested. If a player wants to drop, be sure to check that prior to submitting the result as the table will close once you do. Given this window will automatically close and return you to your previous window on the Tournament Controller, you will need to refresh the Matches table to view the submitted result.

Penalty submission will also now open up new browsers, making it much easier for mobile penalty submission. This window will not close itself, and will be an improvement we look to accomplish in the future when we redesign penalty submission.

Our new design for table filters greatly improves the experience on mobile by providing easy access to customizing which columns are visible or hidden. With the inclusion of inline editing on the Players tab, mobile organizers will now be able to display status and fixed seating in a way that makes it easy to adjust these fields quickly.