

A Phase is a collection of information Melee uses to decide how players will be paired, and what restrictions to apply to decklist submission for games with decklist support. You can create a phase under the “Phases” tab on the left side. Click on that tab then on the “Phases Actions” dropdown on the right side of the screen and create a new phase. 

Required Actions:

  • Play Format: This is the format used for the tournament. Once selected the tournament will automatically get the format’s tag for searching as well as display on the public page. 
  • Matching Method: This setting defaults to Swiss and can be changed to other options. 
  • Match Type: This setting defaults to Best of Three and can be changed to Best of One or Five. 
  • Number of Rounds: How many rounds the tournament will be. This number is editable at any time, even after the tournament starts.

Swiss + Top Cut

Click here to learn more about setting up Phases for Swiss + Top Cut.

Enabling Draft Pods

If you are setting up a draft, you will want to open up the “Pods” dropdown and select the number you wish to have players draft. Once you have created a phase with Pods, you will see a new tab appear on your Tournament Controller called “Podded Phases”. Here you can generate the pod seating assignments for your players. Once those are published, players will be able to see them in their Player Portal.