Venues and Locations

Melee defines addresses as “Venues and Locations”. These can be created from your Organization Dashboard or whenever one is requested to be added. You will use Venues and Locations whenever you create a tournament or hub, apply for programs such as the Disney Lorcana Hobby Store Program or the U.S. RCQ Kit Program. 

Details for Each Venue and Location

  • “Location Name,” “Location’s Mailing Address,” and “Location’s Physical Address” can be added.
  • Mailing addresses are not shared publicly but may be shared with publishing companies for the game.
  • Ensure correct naming as the location name and physical address are shared on public pages.

Editing and Deleting

  • All Venues and Locations are editable and deletable.
  • Avoid deleting the Venue/Location associated with programs to prevent issues or shipping delays.

Recovery Options