Enabling Entry Fees
You will first need to go to your Organization Dashboard and under “Edit Organization” link a PayPal account. This will enable the ability to set an entry fee when creating a tournament.
Tournament Settings
Under the “Player Registration” section of the Tournament Edit page you will now be able to set an entry fee. You will want to make sure the Registration Type is set to “Open Registration” which allows players to register for the tournament once it is published.
Unenrollment and Refunds
Prior to the start of a tournament, or the unenrollment date if that date has been set, players are able to unenroll. This action automatically triggers a refund. Any fees associated with refunds through third-party processors will be taken out of your final entry fee reimbursement.
If the player wants to unenroll after the unenroll date has passed or the tournament has started, that must be handled by the organizer. You may change a player’s status to “unenrolled” in the player tab of your tournament controller, then click the players name to bring up the player card, scroll down to “payments” and select “refund” to refund the player’s entry fee.
If the player does not unenroll themselves the only way a refund will happen is if the organizer manually refunds the entry fee!
Entry Fee Reimbursements
The entry fees collected for your tournament will be held until after the tournament is completed. To read more on Melee’s Entry Fee and Payment policies, please click here.